Meeting Minutes
March 2023 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes for March 14, 2023 Membership Meeting @ 7:00PM
Meeting Place: Firelite Lounge
Call meeting to order: 7:02pm
Roll Call: Dennis, Jim J, Robby, Amy, Julie, Bob G, Tyler, Dean, Toby, Bob P. Absent: Jim W. Thirty members were in attendance.
Previous Minutes: February 21, 2023 Membership Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve – Patty Martin, seconded by Jim Juran.
Treasurer’s Report: February 2023 Financial Report (Julie)
Julie reviewed the February 2023 financial report that included income from a January 2023 payment from the Oconto County for part of our 2022 Trail Maintenance, and highlighted a few larger fuel expenses associated with grooming. Motion to approveBrian Fitzpatrick, seconded by Jim Asher.
Membership Secretary’s Report (Robby):
We ended the season with 485 members! Motion to approve-Julie Pommering, seconded by Diane Fitzpatrick.
Administrative Secretary’s Report (Amy):
Mark your calendars for the summer Brat Frys – Saturday, July 14th and Friday, August 4th. Motion to approve-Robby Juran, seconded by Mike Bessert.
Trail Report: (Bob P.)
Trails have been in excellent condition after the last couple of snowfalls for this time of year. However, most of the grade between Lakewood and Townsend is now quite thin, and very muddy. However, the woods are full of snow, and offers some great riding. Keep an eye on the weather to see what the next couple of days has in store for one last ride. Motion to approve Julie Pommering, seconded by Amy Klapper.
Old Business: (Dennis)
PBR Clothing available – Thanks to Brian and Diane Fitzpatrick for their years of service for managing all the clothing. Our new clothing coordinators are now Robby Juran (630-222-2682) and Laurie Asher (920-615-9990). If interested in clothing/apparel, you can either call them, or go to the website to order clothing on line from Karen’s Unique Gifts in Mountain, WI. You can also call them at 715-850-0552.
New Business: (Dennis)
- Annual Elections were held for VP, Administrative Secretary and four Board Members. The results are:
- Vice President – Tyler Hundt (Ran unopposed). Motion was made by Diane Fitzpatrick and seconded by Patty Martin to unanimously vote Tyler Hundt as Vice President, all approved.
- Administrative Secretary – Amy Klapper (Ran unopposed). Motion was made by Diane Fitzpatrick and seconded by Lance Wiedenhoeft to unanimously vote Amy Klapper as Administrative Secretary, all approved.
- Board Members – Jim Juran, Toby Warden, and Laurie Asher will serve two-year terms, and Dean Martin will serve the remaining position as a one-year term. Note: Their term in office was determined by the number of votes cast for each board member.
- Next Membership Meeting: Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 7pm at Phil’s Philling Station.
- Door Prize – Thanks to Jen for donating a $15 gift certificate – won by Bob Prasser.
- 50-50 Raffle – Merlyn Vanden Langenberg won $55.
Motion to Adjourn at 7:40pm was made by Jim Asher, seconded by Diane Fitzpatrick, all approved.
Thank you to Firelite Lounge (Jen) for hosting the PBR Membership meeting!
Archived Meeting Minutes