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Meeting Minutes

October 2021 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes for October 13, 2021 Membership Meeting @ 7:00PM
Meeting Place: Everbreeze Resort
Call meeting to order: 7:00PM

Roll Call: Dennis, Amy, Diane, Julie, Bob G, Dean, Tim, Bob P., Larry, Toby.  Absent – Jim. Twenty-Two members in attendance.

Previous Minutes: September 14, 2021 Board Membership Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve-Tim Maurer, Seconded by Jim Juran, all approved.

Treasurer’s Report: September 2021 Financial Report (Julie)

Julie reviewed the September financial report recapping various small expenses, and the overall revenue. Motion to approve- Bob Goble, Seconded by Dean Martin, all approved.

Membership Secretary Report (Diane): Membership Renewals Update

243 Renewals, 22 New memberships, 19 Secondary memberships for a total of 284 members this season. Diane recently received several dozen more that are not processed yet or in her current counts.  We have been averaging 450 Members per year. Motion to approve-Brian Fitzpatrick, Seconded by Bernie Baye, all approved.

Administrative Secretary Report (Amy): 2021 Event Calendar & Poker Run Book Updates

Membership Event Calendar key dates were reviewed. The last day for the ATV/UTV trails is November 7, 2021 at 11:59pm. Saturday, October 30th – Snowmobile Safety Class at Townsend Town Hall (9am – 4pm). Poker Run Books are available at all 35 establishments-buy your book now and start collecting your stamps.

Motion to approve-Julie Pommering, Seconded by Diane Fitzpatrick, all approved.

Trail Report: (Bob P.): Trail update & future Brushing Dates.

Trails are in great shape and widening has occurred throughout the summer.

We will need help to put up the new trail signs – watch for emails and/or Facebook requests for this effort.

One hundred posts (673 lbs.) for the new signs, are awaiting pickup in Oconto – Thanks to Jim Juran for offering to pick them up!

The Groomer building concrete needs to be cut and the drain grates put in. Toby and Bob P. will coordinate their schedules over the next couple of weeks to get this completed.

Motion to approve-Toby Warden, Seconded by Julie Pommering, all approved.

Oconto County Alliance/AWSC Report by Kurt Butler: No update, Kurt was not in attendance.

KAOS Report by Pam Butler: No update, Pam was not in attendance.

Membership Updates and New Business:

  • Any questions related to the Lakewood Depot 2 cent/gallon offer.

Print out or take a picture of your AWSC Card and pay inside to get the discount.

Diane provided the volunteer sign up list as well as members already noting that they are willing to help in one of two shifts-2pm to 4:30pm and 4:30pm to 7pm. If interested, please send us an email at

o  Status of establishing a Committee (Volunteers?)

o  Traditional $10 Raffle Ticket (Can we fund it using donations?) – Tim Maurer will check with Team

Winnebagoland Motorsports and Ken’s Motorsports (new location in Green Bay) for donations.

o  $100 Cash Only Raffle Ticket Update (Jim): Tickets available at many local establishments.

o  Fishing Contest Update. (Bob Goble): Bob will get back to the Snow Fun Day Committee with any new ideas to make the contest more interesting or challenging.

o  Meat Raffle – we’ll need 6 sellers per shift (2.5 hours each)

▪    Number of spins?

▪    Meat raffle sales format? Sellers vs. at two tables

▪    Sourcing of the meat due to the sale of Supervalu (effective Nov. 1st)

▪    Handling of the meat (Vouchers vs. Meat)

o  Basket Raffles—It is undecided if we’ll have basket raffles, we’ll review the donations that will be coming in to determine if they will be added to the meat raffle spins or kept separate.

o  Can/Should anything be outside?

▪    Ben Christensen Carving??

Just a note – PBR will not be offering food.  Waubee Lake Lodge will have food available to order from the menu.

  • Kiosks/Map Board Updates (Jim Juran & Tim Maurer):

o  Couple more map kiosks boards were put up, great job Jim and Tim!

  • Trail DOT Numbering Update (Dennis):

o  Ongoing discussions about the sequencing and renumbering throughout Oconto County to provide consistency in marking the trails from one snowmobile club to the next.

  • Brian Fitzpatrick will have clothing available – Please contact Brian Fitzpatrick (715-340-6262) or go to the website for apparel needs. He will have them available at the next Membership meeting in November.
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at Mulligans
  • Door Prize(s) – Thanks to Patti for the $15 gift certificate – won by Karen Baye.
  • 50-50 Raffle – Julie Pommering won $35.
  • Thank You Everbreeze (Patti) for hosting the PBR Membership meeting!

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm, Julie Pommering approved, Jim Juran seconded, all approved.