Meeting Minutes
November 2022 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes for November 8, 2022 Membership Meeting @ 7:00PM
Meeting Place: O’Neil’s Halfway Bar
Call meeting to order: 7:04pm
Roll Call: Dennis, Jim W, Jim J, Robby, Amy, Julie, Bob G, Tyler, Dean, Toby, Bob P.
Previous Minutes: October 11, 2022 Membership Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve-Jim Juran, seconded by Brian Fitzpatrick.
Treasurer’s Report: October 2022 Financial Report (Julie)
Julie reviewed the October 2022 financial report recapping the large expenses paid to John Hogan for trail rehab (as part of the grant reimbursement program). Another expense was related to the application of epoxy to the floors and walls to help channel water from snow melting off the groomers toward the drains. Revenue included the 1st Supplemental Payment in September for non-grooming trail work, annual dues, donations, and raffle ticket purchases. Motion to approve-Robby Juran, seconded by Mike Bessert.
Membership Secretary’s Report (Robby):
We have 54 new members this month for a total of 325 members. 49 are Gold members (donated $50 or more with their registration-THANK YOU!) along with 44 Business Boosters. We have a new landowner, the Sutricks (over by Cliff Rd), and appreciate the use of their land to allow the snowmobile trail to continue to pass through to Glacial Ridge Dr. Motion to approve-Kim Illing, seconded by Diane Fitzpatrick.
Administrative Secretary’s Report (Amy):
- Amy recognized our veterans who attended the meeting, Thank you for your service gentlemen.
- Reminder that the Poker Run Books are available at 40 local establishments (5 new ones).
- Snow Fun Day – our key fundraiser to be held Saturday, January 28, 2023 from 2pm to 7pm. Mark your calendars, and invite family and friends!
- $10 Raffle Tickets – all printed and sent to Members on 11/9/2022, and available at many local establishments. All CASH prizes totaling $2,900!
- Basket Raffles – We are gathering items to put in the various basket raffles so if you can donate anything please contact us. Our goal is to have 12-15 basket raffles.
- Spin Wheel – We are working on filling about 60 spins (240 items) including meat, liquor or gift certificates. Anything you wish to donate, contact us. Spin Tickets will be $2 a piece, and we will spin four times per ticket, increasing your chances to win a prize!
- $100 Raffle Tickets are available – Grand prize is $5,000 CASH with many other cash prizes, get your ticket today.
- Volunteers – Diane Fitzpatrick is coordinating our volunteers for Snow Fun Day; volunteers are needed for shifts from 2pm-4:30pm and 4:30-7pm. We have a variety of duties including some sitting down the entire shift!
- Advertising/communication – Posters have been put up around the community along with preparing communications to local papers and the Wisconsin Snowmobile Magazine.
OVERALL – We need volunteers, donation items, and for your family and friends to attend Snow Fun Day to help raise money to keep the trails in great shape! You can contact us three ways.
- Email us at
- Contact us via our website
- Message us at Paul Bunyan Riders on Facebook
Motion to approve-Jim Asher, seconded by Toby Warden.
Trail Report: (Bob P.)
- Bob and team have kept up with moving some of our trails due to landowner changes in advance of the cold weather and snow. We still need to get some work crews out on the trails to brush out our signs, including the site lines leading up to the signs.
- Motion to approve – Julie Pommering, seconded by Amy Klapper.
Old Business:
- 99% of the DOT Numbering Signs have been completed and will align with the new DOT Snowmobile Map.
- Clothing available – Please contact Brian Fitzpatrick (715-340-6262) or go to the website for apparel needs.
New Business:
- New Oconto County maps will be available soon at local establishments, and we will be replacing the maps that are presently on our kiosks and map boards as soon as possible. Electronic versions of the maps will be posted on the website, as well.
- Next Membership Meeting: Tuesday, December 13, 2022, 7pm, at Mulligan’s Sports Bar and Grill – food provided at the annual Christmas party!
- Door Prize – Thanks to Tom from O’Neil’s Halfway Bar that donated a gift certificate – won by Kim Illing.
- 50-50 Raffle – Ed Cerny won $75.
- Thank you to Tom at O’Neil’s Halfway Bar for hosting the PBR Membership meeting.
Motion to Adjourn at 7:48pm was made by Diane Fitzpatrick, seconded by Bob Goble, all approved.
Archived Meeting Minutes