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Meeting Minutes

March 2022 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2022 Membership Meeting @ 7:00PM
Meeting Place: Firelite Bar
Call meeting to order: 7:02PM

Roll Call: Dennis, Amy, Diane, Bob G, Dean, Tim, Bob P, Larry, Julie, Jim and Toby were present. There were 27 members in attendance.

Previous Minutes:  February 8, 2022 Membership Meeting Minutes.  Motion to approve-Tim Mauer, Seconded by Jim Juran, all approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  February 2022 Financial Report (Julie)

Julie reviewed the February financial report recapping two large expenses; fuel for the grooming equipment and wages for the groomers/mechanic. A large payment came in from the county.  Motion to approve-Dean Martin, seconded by Robby Juran, all approved.

Membership Secretary Report (Diane): Membership Renewals Update

426 Renewals, 62 Business members, and 37 Secondary memberships for a total of 525 members this season. We had 80 New memberships in the 2021/2022 season.  Congrats on getting the word out about our great club!

Just a reminder, memberships expire June 30th of each year.

We had two GOLD memberships: Jerome & Tracy Lavash (new members) Peter & Nancy Dreher (renewal members)

The AWSC Annual workshop is October 21-23, 2022 in Rothschild, WI. Watch for the registration in August. Motion to approve-Patty Martin, seconded by Brian Fitzpatrick, all approved.

Administrative Secretary Report (Amy):

  • Brat Fry Events will be held at the Lakewood SuperValu: Friday, June 24th (led by Robby and Jim Juran) and Saturday, July 30th

(led by Bernie and Karen Baye, and Doug Vandenlangenberg).

  • We held a post Snow Fun Day meeting and Julie Pommering volunteered to chair the event in 2023. She will be looking for team leaders for key activities for this large fundraiser. Volunteers so far are: Larry Mertz, Bernie Baye, Brian Fitzpatrick, Diane Fitzpatrick, Bob Goble, and Amy Klapper.  Please contact Julie if wanting to help out.

Motion to approve-Julie Pommering, seconded by Jim Juran, all approved.

Trail Report: (Bob P.)

As of March 8th, the trails were quite icy due to the rain the previous Saturday. Bob will try to send the groomers out one more time before mother nature calls an end to the season.  Trails were officially closed on Monday, March 14th. It was 11 weeks of great snowmobiling in the 2021/2022 season!

Motion to approve-Larry Mertz, seconded by Diane Fitzpatrick, all approved.

New Business:

  • Elections for 2022 took place – President, Treasurer and Membership Secretary positions were up for re-election, as well as two Board Member position (all two-year terms):
    • o  President position will remain with Dennis Pommering
    • o  Treasurer position will remain with Julie Pommering
    • o  Membership Secretary will be Robby Juran
    • o  Board Members will be Bob Goble and Tyler Hundt
  • Thank you to Diane Fitzpatrick to her many, many years of service and commitment to the PBR Club! She single-handedly managed all secretarial responsibilities for five of the last 8 years. In April of 2020, By-Law changes split them between the Administrative and Membership positions. Thanks again Diane!
  • Thanks to Tim Mauer for his past and ongoing support to the PBR Club.
  • Brian Fitzpatrick had clothing available – Please contact Brian Fitzpatrick (715-340-6262) or go to the website for apparel needs.
  • Next Membership Meeting: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7PM, place to be determined.
  • Door Prize – Thanks to Jenafir for the donation of apparel – won by Jim Juran.
  • 50-50 Raffle – Dennis Pommering won $52.
  • Thank you, Jenafir and Firelite Bar for hosting the PBR Membership meeting!

Motion to adjourn at 7:57pm was made by Diane Fitzpatrick seconded by Bob Goble, all approved.